In this EconoMinute, Prof. Wolff discusses the debt crisis facing Greece, its causes, the role the Greek government, financial...READ MORE
Follow the Money: "Capitalism's Crisis Deepens: A Conversation w/ Prof. Richard Wolff"
Prof. Wolff joins Follow the Money's Jerry Robinson to discuss the widespread popularity of Bernie Sanders among the millennial generation and his thoughts on the global economic crisis.
Read moreThe David Pakman Show: "Richard Wolff: Capitalism's Crisis Deepens"
Prof. Wolff joins David Pakman to discuss his new book Capitalism’s Crisis Deepens: Essays on the Global Economic Meltdown 2010-2014, the fantasy so-called "pure capitalism," and more.
Read moreEconomic Update: Pro-environment, anti-capitalist
On this week' episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff. provides updates on fossil-fuel divestment, Zika virus economics, product recalls , and payday loan scandal. Interview with...READ MORE
Prof. Wolff on The Big Picture RT: "Will the UK Set Off A Secession movement?"
Prof. Wolff joins The Big Picture RT's Thom Hartmann to discuss the UK upcoming vote. In just a few weeks - Britons will take a vote on whether or not they want to remain part of the UK. Could this set off a continent-wide secession movement?
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Economic Update: Listen, Prof. Krugman
On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on car companies buying ride-share companies, Pope's latest, evidence against Prof. Krugman's rosy view of inequality. Major discussions of...READ MORE
Economic Update: The Idea of Revolution
On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on Alabama convicts strike against slavery, Greece's victimization, TTIP exposed, and taxing Yale. Interview with...READ MORE
Economic Update: False Econ Recovery, True Journalism
In this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on "carry interest tax loophole," Miami's Marlin Park and state subsidies for business, negative interest rates, and banks' "bail-in" versus "bail-out." Interview with reporter Bob Hennelly about...READ MORE
Prof. Wolff on CrossTalk: Social Justice?
Prof. Wolff joins Peter Lavelle on RTTV"s CrossTalk to discuss the question of social justice. As America’s two major parties move toward anointing their presidential nominees, there is a growing sense of disaffection and even insurrection among voters.
Read moreGlobal Capitalism: May 2016 Monthly Update
Crises Deepen: Shifting Socialisms, Exploding Debt, Strange Elections
Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum, and Judson Memorial Church
These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Prof. Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For the month of May, these will include...READ MORE
Prof. Wolff on CounterPunch Radio
This interview originally aired on CounterPunchRadio
Prof. Wolff joins CounterPunch Radio's Eric Draitser to discuss capitalism, its inefficiencies, and its discontents. They examine how the US and European economies have evolved in the era of neoliberalism, how financialization has pervaded every aspect of our economic lives, and how debt has become the central pillar of modern capitalism's house of cards.
Read moreEconomic Update: What Inequality Does
On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on rich tax evaders, Takata airbags, equalized wealth data, money in Chicago politics. Major discussions of corporate food scandals...READ MORE
EconoMinute: The Crisis of Puerto Rico
In this EconoMinute, Prof. Richard Wolff discusses the current debt crisis facing Puerto Rico.
Prof. Wolff Lecture on News.Markets: "Why the US needs a Jeremy Corbyn"
Prof. Wolff joins News.Markets and explains why official US jobs numbers don't reflect the real state of the US economy and the average US worker. He believes the US needs a slice of the UK's Jeremy Corbyn to combat extreme inequality.
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“The place where most adults spend most of their life is at work, and there is no democracy at work”
This interview originally appeared in the English-language section - The English Corner, of Contexto Magazine.
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Prof. Wolff on The Big Picture RT: "More Co-ops Means Less Inequality"
Prof. Wolff joins The Big Picture's Thom Hartmann and discusses the lack of economic democracy in the current economic system. For a large chunk of the American workforce - capitalism is no longer working the way it's supposedly designed to work. Is it time to look for alternatives to the free market? And if so, where? Prof. Wolff offers Worker Self-Directed Enterprises (WSDE) as a solution.
Read moreProf.Wolff on Clearing the Fog: "Building Power for Worker Rights"
Prof. Wolff joins Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese on Clearing The Fog to discuss the current situation for workers and how they are building power to lift up wages and worker rights.
Read moreEconomic Update: Poverty and the US Economy
On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on slow US economy, money drives Yale, Chobani workers get profits, more car corps scandal, and Christian/Marxist dialogue. Interview with...READ MORE
The David Pakman Show: "Economist Richard Wolff on the Panama Papers
Prof. Wolff joins The David Pakman Show to discuss the implications of the Panama Papers leak.
How Capitalism and Racism Support Each Other
This article originally appeared at
Capitalism's supporters use and benefit from a racism whose practice and consequences should be blamed on capitalism itself.
"Racism" is so often applied to US prison statistics and policing; to data on differences in employment, housing, wealth and income distributions, college enrollments, film awards, and so much more; and to hardening hostilities toward immigration. At the same time, racism is so often condemned -- at least in mainstream media, dominant political circles and most intellectual and academic institutions. Racism's persistence where the capitalist economic system prevails raises the question of the connection between capitalism and racism. READ MORE
Economic Update: Gentrification: The Market Rules
On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on pay of CEO's that fight $15/ he for workers, workers who get public assistance, facts on taxes paid and evaded, Mitsubishi like VW. Major discussion on...READ MORE
Prof. Richard Wolff on Smart Talk with Andrew Mazzone
Prof. Wolff analyzes the economy of the US from a Marxist perspective.
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