Economic Update: Worker Coops as our Economic Future

On this week's show, Prof. Wolff talks about Trump's 2018 budget, Ford's undemocratic decisions, US opioid epidemic, Swiss vote to end nuclear power, Harley-Davidson moving jobs overseas, Canada outlaws...READ MORE

The New Socialism: Moving Beyond Concentrated State Power

(Photo: Susannah Kay / The New York Times)

This article originally appeared at

Capitalism as a system is now increasingly challenged. Critics proliferate and steadily deepen their opposition (alongside, of course, the persistence of capitalism's defenders). Yet capitalism's traditional "other" -- namely, socialism -- has also been widely devalued. It has lost its position as the goal (however variously interpreted) for anti-capitalist social movements. When not simply ignored, socialism (and even more its derivative "communism") is often treated as utterly passé. When taken seriously, it is mostly a vague rhetorical gesture expressing criticism of the capitalist status quo, not advocacy of a concrete alternative. Socialist parties now mainly support capitalism but with a human face -- i.e. with the social supports and safety nets that their "conservative" counterparts disdain. 

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The Problem with “Reactionary Keynesianism" - Big Picture RT

Prof. Richard Wolff talks to Thom Hartmann on The Big Picture RT about Trump's 2018 budget plan sent to Congress. The "New Foundation for American Greatness" is an all-out assault on poor and working Americans. If the President gets his way - billions will be cut from vital programs - including Medicaid - which candidate Trump promised never to cut. 

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Economic Update: What France's Election Means

On this episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff discusses Yale grad students hunger strike for a union, US raising interest rates on student loans, 2 new Senate bills on worker ownership of enterprises, and some economic dimensions of...READ MORE

Combining Capitalism in a Future System

Prof. Wolff speaks with Charles Owen of The Value of Everything about the future of Capitalism.

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A Labor Manifesto for the Global Left The Big Picture RT

Prof. Richard Wolff talks to Thom Hartmann on The Big Picture RT about the rise of progressive movements from Melenchon recently in France to Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders here at home.

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Economic Update: Why Worker Coops

On this week's show, Prof. Richard Wolff presents updates on Australian government taxes, big banks funding of Dakota Access Pipeline, meaning of French elections, Trump/GOP's plan to end estate taxes, and...READ MORE

What is the state of Economic Education today? How can we get people engaged?

Prof. Wolff talks with acTVism Munich about the state of economic education today and the role that the mainstream media and educational institutions play in conveying economic information to the public.

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When and Why will Capitalism end?

Prof. Wolff talks with acTVism Munich about Capitalism's current and future state, and explains how changes in how the workplace is organized can have a transformative play a transformative role from Capitalism into a more humane and rational system.

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Priming the Trump Pump - IG UK

Prof. Wolff joins IG UK to explain President Trump's claim this week that he’d come up with the phrase ‘priming the pump’ in reference to his tax reform plans.

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French Election Highlights the Failure to Address Unemployment and Inequality

Scott Harris from Between the Lines, a weekly radio newsmagazine, interviews Prof. Richard Wolff on the recent French Presidential elections.

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Global Capitalism May 2017 Monthly Economic Update

Global Capitalism: "The US' Position Weakens"
with Richard D. Wolff 
Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum & Judson Memorial Church

These programs begin with 30min of short updates on important economic events of the last month...READ MORE


What Did France Get Right That America Got SO Wrong? The Big Picture RT

Prof. Wolff joins The Big Picture RT's Sam to discuss the results of the French elections.

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Economic Update: Economics and Family Values

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Wolff presents updates on French election's significance; Obama's $400,000 bank speaking fee; US corp tax cuts; Wells Fargo "saved" by Warren Buffett; why bringing home...READ MORE

Insults Fly in French Debate -BBC Business Matters

Prof. Wolff joins Roger Hearing on BBC's Business Matters to talk about the French elections, immigration and more.



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Another Strike: Capitalism Produced Trump - The David Pakman Show

Prof. Wolff joins David Pakman to discuss President Trump's first one-hundred days in office

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Is The Glass-Steagall Revolution At Hand? The Big Picture RT

Prof. Wolff joins Thom Hartmann on The Big Picture RT to discuss Frexit and NAFTA.

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Economic Update: Rising Costs of Capitalism's Failures

This week, Prof. Richard Wolff presents updates on courts blocking Trumps attack on sanctuary cities, selling Whole Foods, Jack Ma and blaming technology for jobs collapse, falling department store jobs since 2000, British queen's enterprise award to...READ MORE

Economic Update: Enabling Worker Coops

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Richard Wolff presents updates on capitalism and Earth Day, Chinese movie industry overtakes Hollywood, small businesses use cooperatives to...READ MORE

Economic Update: US Labor Unions: Past, Present, Future

On this week's episode: Updates on United Airlines' flier abuse, Cuomo's flawed "free college" plan, what to do as self-drive vehicles end millions of jobs, and how big investors plan to...READ MORE

How Deregulation Caused the United Debacle The Big Picture RT

Prof. Richard Wolff joins Thom Hartmann on The Big Picture RT to talk about happened with United Airlines Flight 3411 and the PR disaster that's followed.

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Global Capitalism: April 2017 Monthly Economic Update

Global Capitalism: "Trump’s Big Economic Plans Fade"
with Richard D. Wolff 
Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum & Judson Memorial Church

These programs begin with 30min of short updates on important economic events of the last month...READ MORE

What is Public Debt? How is money printed? And how do Governments pay for Wars?

Professor Richard Wolff talks with acTVism Munich about public debt, the process of printing money, the role that corporate banks play...

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Economic Update: Economics, Psychology and Trump

On this week's Economic Update, Prof. Richard Wolff presents updates on Citibank says it favors the rich, French presidential elections, US college admissions favor the rich, injustice of...READ MORE

How Capitalism Gave Birth to Trump…The Big Picture RT

Prof. Wolff joins The Big Picture to discuss capitalism and how it may have helped Trump get elected.

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