Can you describe for us why there seem to be relatively few monied backers of "left" politics.

Whatever they are called "right wing," "conservative," "counter-revolution," - they have developed billions of dollars to support their ideas, actions, beliefs. Millions of U.S. citizens, regardless of their political views, use PayPal,, dixie cups, etc. Weren't there rich or monied folks who supported left-wing radical movements in previous decades? What happened to them? The radical right loves and reveres money, but their products and money making endeavors are used by the general public. Is there or was there a similar phenomenon for left wing radical ideology, practice?

Official response from submitted

There was and still is. It is, of course, easier for the rich to fund politics and politicians of their choice than for working people to do so. The only way that can happen is if masses of people do that (as happened impressively with Bernie). For the relatively fewer rich who are willing to support left-wing politics and politicians, the question is when they will be adequately motivated to do that. Trump's election is moving them closer to doing that.

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  • Richard Wolff
    responded with submitted 2016-12-17 17:29:37 -0500
  • nkenge zola
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2016-12-16 19:11:42 -0500
