Is it a reasonable goal to recombine all industries in educational curriculum?

I am publishing a book based on what I call "The theory of intellectual chaos". It starts by removing money from the equation. Time plus energy equals "money" (T+E=$). If we simply share what we know and learn all we can on all subjects and industries while continuing our own, home based research and development, we will never need to hate one another, we could end war. I think we are all on the same team, but someone who is NOT, is pitting us against one another in some con game by playing good cop bad cop. I keep hearing the term "the American experiment"... I feel it has been played for thousands of years since before the pyramids were built. I have an idea for using sunlight to produce force while skipping the heating of water process and the process of conversion into electricity, its all drawn out i just need a patent. do you know if i can share this to a community or association without it being taken for private gain by somebody with deep pockets?

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  • Scott Haddox
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2017-05-03 07:13:36 -0400
