What hope do we have for left economics when we have BOTH political parties fighting us tooth and nail to cheer capitalism as the one and only system we must live in? Nancy Pelosi Repels Young People On CNN Town Hall: http://youtu.be/4xf3W_Jpnls
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If we assume that the people are ultimately victorious in their struggle against the bourgeois and the military, then the question then becomes, how to defend against any further threats, including foreign threats that feel threatened by the revolution and the completely new social order established by it? The answer is actually relatively simple. If there is to be any sort of state in this new social order, it must be a state by which its powers are entirely derived from a mandate by the people. In other words, the state merely serves the mandate of the people, and would not be a ruling apparatus in itself. The people may decide that a revolutionary state may need to have the duties to build a military, or handle the construction of national projects and such, and thus the state would only be allowed to carry out these duties. Not only would the duties of state be determined by the people themselves, but the way the state acquires resources should also be decided by a mandate of the people. For example, if the state needs to produce military equipment, it would only do so by request of various factories on a need-basis. If the state needs a raw contribution of resources from communities or industries, it would do so by request on a need-basis. In other words, the communities and the workplaces would decide their own contributions in order for the state to fulfill its roles as determined by the mandate of the people. This is a completely different conception of the state than at any point prior in history. No longer is the state a ruling apparatus, and no longer does the state have the ability to concentrate power to itself and work against the interest of the people. Instead, the states functions are completely dominated by the mandate of the people themselves. This is the basis for a completely new constitution and a completely new social order.