How would worker co-ops respond to the pressures from markets and global capitalism?

Having to participate and compete in global markets would put co-ops under many of the same pressures as top-down corporations, who have responded by outsourcing and wage cuts, etc. How can worker co-ops avoid the pitfalls that would seem to come from the globalisation of capitalism? Would it help, for example, to establish trade with co-ops in other countries favourable to both? Similar to the idea of "socialism in one country", could networks of co-ops in a single nation work together to buy raw materials in quantity, and so on, for mutual benefit? If they saw themselves as belonging to a common group, maybe they could also work together politically to lobby or vote for better conditions for themselves. Can you comment on how this could work?

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  • Fabian
    tagged this with upvote 2018-02-18 07:19:22 -0500
  • Fabian
    commented 2018-02-18 07:19:16 -0500
    I think one way was given in a recent episode of economic update: they could ask for tax reductions with the argument that the coop will keep jobs in the community. Also, you could think of the introduction of a local currency where part of the wages are paid in that currency that is redeemable for the products or services the coop offers.
  • Alec Wills
    tagged this with upvote 2018-02-13 21:13:53 -0500
  • Josh Pattison
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2018-02-13 19:45:12 -0500
