Could you please offer your opinions and/or commentary on MMT (modern monetary theory), Hyman Minsky, Warren Mosler, Stephanie Kelton, Randall Wray, Bill Mitchell, etc. and how this explanation of monetary systems might relate to economic democracy and socialism.
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Like the commenter Zach Haney, I also think there’s a good chance that people committed to moving beyond capitalism (such as Dr. Wolff is and many/most of us visitors to his blog are) might view the topic of MMT with suspicion—as reformist distraction or as an area of study that’s intrinsically bound up with the very capitalist system we’re trying to move beyond. But it might be a mistake to see MMT as a narrowly “capitalist” topic.
If I understand it correctly, MMT is an attempt to accurately describe the way any-and-all fiat currency systems actually work and, consequently, what policy options (often unperceived or misperceived) are available to government officials in their pursuit goals like full employment, equity, and price stability.
As such, I don’t see any reason why the insights of MMT wouldn’t be at least as exciting, valuable, and empowering, if not more so, to a person committed to an creating equitable, prosperous, and sustainable socialist economy socialism as it would be to anybody else.
I get the feeling his view will be that this is really just an attempted fix of the capitalist system, still, but serious MMT even argues that taxes aren’t really necessary the way we conceive of them.