Could you please respond to this Michael Parenti lecture?

It's "Reflection On the Overthrow of Communism." It goes from 12.23-20.19 in the audio, although I agree with your logic, Dr. Wolff, what you argue validates what I also have advocated for years. creating and new economic system from the ground up by democratizing the enterprise , "co-ops etc. but Dr. Parenti argues, as do many on the left that a "pure socialism" cannot exist without a strong state etc. Top Down hierarchical centralize state power . maybe you could respond before I die which may be very soon since I have bile duct cancer "incurable" thank you

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  • Leta Bez-Wogen
    commented 2019-08-03 16:43:12 -0400
    Did Professor Wolff address Schuff’s request? Wolff opened our eyes to the power and moral goodness of co-op work organizing but what kind of government does he envision being in place when this enormous sea change happens? I may have missed those lessons and if so I apologize.
  • Leta Bez-Wogen
    @LetaBez tweeted link to this page. 2019-08-03 16:42:53 -0400
  • Jonathan Hooker
    commented 2016-09-15 00:31:23 -0400
    Yes, I agree.. I have been looking at you Dr. Wolff for awhile now, but I disagree with you when it comes to Communism. However, I strongly agree with Michael Parenti.
    Also, this speech comes from his book “Blackshirts and Reds”
  • Jonathan Hooker
    commented 2016-09-15 00:31:18 -0400
    Yes, I agree.. I have been looking at you Dr. Wolff for awhile now, but I disagree with you when it comes to Communism. However, I strongly agree with Michael Parenti.
    Also, this speech comes from his book “Blackshirts and Reds”
  • Jonathan Hooker
    tagged this with Important 2016-09-15 00:31:17 -0400
  • Jonathan Hooker
    tagged this with good 2016-09-15 00:31:17 -0400
  • lindsey shuff
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2016-07-14 22:26:50 -0400
