Is America's global military dominance related to the world's reserve currency?

I'm a professor in California and have asked this question to numerous specialists in international finance with no genuine, substantive reply. Would the dollar collapse, would the markets implode, if America decided to retreat from its perpetual wars? What if the U.S. decided to leave South Korea, Europe, and close 800 of its 1000 overseas bases and mothball 9 of its 11 aircraft carries. Would this peaceful move ruin the American economy or can we think peace without thinking economic annihilation? I believe the two are connected; I wish they weren't. No one with competence talks about this issue. Let us know your opinions. Jerry Kroth, Ph.D., Associate Professor Emeritus, Santa Clara University

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  • Nicholas Anderson
    tagged this with upvote 2018-01-02 19:24:09 -0500
  • Jerry Kroth
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2017-12-30 10:38:06 -0500
