Democracy at work in academia

Dear Professor Wolff, I very much enjoy your regular economic update and other work. As you open your broadcast, you have worked in academia most of your life. Given the recent hunger strike at the Yale University, could you address in one of the following Economic updates the question of democratic running of academic affairs (departments, schools)? The current model, promoted worldwide, is at best meritocratic, but more commonly managerial and business-derived. It produces the results you described for Yale. How should an academic department or an institution conduct itself in a democratic manner, without compromising quality of teaching and research? I am aware that the Mondragon Cooperation has founded its own university. If you are familiar with it, could you perhaps talk about how it is organized and run, and if it is different from other institutions at all?

Official response from submitted

Thanks for the suggestion. I shall do that in a forthcoming Economic Update program.

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  • Richard Wolff
    responded with submitted 2017-05-23 12:58:07 -0400
  • Frantisek Kratochvil
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2017-05-22 22:59:45 -0400
