I got another older shocking story about the Oakland Raiders for you!

in addition to the story, which Prof. Wolff covered in Economic Update: Economics of Tax Avoidance (2016.10.20) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yru0eUGT1uA#t=13m48s here it is: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2012-12-20/oakland-pays-17-million-for-nfl-raiders-as-cops-get- Certainly not the only story in the NFL of this kind. The NFL is also tax reducted. Many players have these odd charities etc. I also looked up once, which the biggest stadiums of the world were on wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_stadiums_by_capacity Most are NFL stadiums. The NFL is the richest professional league of the world? For me, they are the absolute example of bread and games. It is also incredible to watch, how they spin all this shadiness in their TV channels. + there is the concussion problematic + systematic doping like in all professional sports (and no word about it) + possible game manipulations or how else can it be explain, that games still get decided by a wrong decision of the referees in times of video proof (like i.e. pass interference Falcons vs Seahawks last Sunday)? They are better at regulating their sports than soccer, boxing or ... wrestling though. Back to the raiders: Basically Oakland had it coming. The city got sucked out by the owner of the Raiders and now he will make another big deal. St. Louis Rams, now LA Rams, also similar story, I guess. This could be widened to big investments in sports in general for Olympia or soccer world championships. A couple years later former hosts like Greece, South Africa or Brasil etc. struggle with billions of Dollars debts and the tournament infrastructure often is rotting away unused. These mafia organisations like FIFA or IOC make profits worth xx billions of $ - and still get tax reductions.

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  • Tobi Stein
    commented 2016-10-21 09:27:52 -0400
    I am sry. The editing is messed up. :(
  • Tobi Stein
    published this page in Ask Prof. Wolff 2016-10-21 09:26:10 -0400
