Economic Update: Xmas vs Economic Realities

On this week's episode of Economic Update, Prof. Wolff provides updates on politicians lying about economics, fines for big banks, Maine votes left, int students come less to US, Pebble Mine struggle, fading American dream. READ MORE

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  • Dennis La Frinere
    commented 2017-01-06 08:40:30 -0500
    …its the left that is driving me to the right.
  • Dennis La Frinere
    commented 2017-01-06 08:39:06 -0500
    Deport her and the children and the mother and father and all the cousins too. Why do you advocate for a union killing cancer, a wage killing sickness and a population from a third world country that does not want to change? Why do you advocate for illegals and not citizens? Do we need more workers here?….we dont have enough??
  • Joseph A. Mungai
    commented 2017-01-01 19:31:12 -0500
    Poisoning the water our children drink and the air they breathe: We Can Do Better Than Capitalism (5:04)
  • Anonymous
    followed this page 2017-01-01 09:09:45 -0500
